Monday, October 14, 2024

A Stye

I've got a stye in my eye. 

Little red bump that I normally wouldn't even notice, really - 

except it's pressing against my eye, making it impossible to blink without a jolt of pain. 

There's not really anything I can do, other than apply a hot compress and wait.

I have no control here... which is more infuriating than I can possibly express

because this isn't about the stye in my eye. 

It's the stye in my soul.


I've loved this man for close to 30 years. 

God willing, I'll love him 30 more.

But there's this stye - this glitch pressing right on my heart, making it impossible to love without a bit of pain.

There's not really  anything I can do, other than find him a shark of a lawyer and wait.

I have no control here...  which is more infuriating than I can possibly express.