Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I'll Give You Workplace Violence

Pic borrowed from Clyde_Dale at Deviant Art

Today was probably not the best day for me to be taking a mandatory class on workplace violence.  Don’t get me wrong – most days I’m not that bad to work with, I’ve been told.  But today…  for the third time in 6 months, one of two programs I’m forced to work with has managed to wipe my entire user database.  All the users, all their warrant info, everything.  And despite the fact that this is happening at midnight (when the programs interface, and there are NO FREAKING HUMANS anywhere near the system), the sweethearts are refusing to admit that it could possibly be their program’s fault. 

I’m not buying it.  Once is accident, twice may be circumstance, three times is definitely enemy action.  The only things stopping me from going medieval on someone is that a) they’re located in Mississippi, I’m in Oregon.  Slight logistical issue, but I’m almost at the point where I would be willing to conquer it.  B) The knowledge that it wouldn’t do any good – they have no more control over things than I do, but at least they could be referring this up the channels faster, drat it!  C)  the training that I just took indicates that me threatening them could be considered “workplace violence”, and advises me to temper my tone, and work with my co-workers rather than going triple-dog-dare on them.  I suppose that the adult thing to do is to go ahead, fold my computer and go home to snuggle Moose.  Boy, should they be grateful that I’m too bone tired to not be an adult. 

Oh, well… tomorrow is another day.  One that might involve some concerted retraining on someone’s part, and perhaps a reminder of just who it was that purchased their computers and/or monitors, and the dangers of pissing off Contracting.

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