Saturday, April 9, 2016

Third Annual Memorial Wake/FU Hank Party

I'm getting together tonight with some friends to celebrate - partly it's a delayed birthday party, but it's also my third annual Wake.  Three years ago tonight, I was waking up from surgery to stop my bleeding and about to find out that my uterus had been invaded by Henry the VIII (or Hank, as I call him.) 

Three years later...  I'm in a better space.  I'm getting ready to retire (15 more work days and counting), Hank has turned out to be settled in and not spreading the way we were afraid he would, I'm a lot closer to family and friends than I was...  All in all, mentally, I'm doing great.  Physically, not so much, but hey... one out of two isn't bad. 

So... on to the next year.  With ham, funeral potatoes, and Kevin's incredible salad. 

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