Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Reason #89 Why I Can't Run For Office

Besides the whole Rocky Horror cabaret thing, and the naked pictures of me on the internet before everyone had naked pictures on the internet (they were art pics - very tasteful.  Trust me.), and the whole "my body is trying to kill me" thing that cuts into my free-time...

But the latest reason...  I was watching Rachel Maddow tonight (as I often do), and she's covering the Gorsuch nomination. She had Dahlia Lithwick on and the first part of the program was pretty much going into his judicial history (and a bunch of Merrick Garland frustration, covering how much harder it keeps getting to get anyone through the system, starting with Johnson, running through Bork and Thomas, etc...)  but then the last segment on her show was basically "Oh, by the way - did you know who his mother was?" Turns out his mom is Anne Burford, Reagan's head of the EPA for 22 months (and apparently it was a really interesting 22 months - at one point, she had Jacques Cousteau testifying in Congress against the agency's plans.) 

At that point, I realized... I can never run for office.  For one thing, my family history tends to read like a really bad episode of Jerry Springer, but mostly I know the one member of my family that they would manage to dig up.  Trent.  Even though I haven't seen him or talked to him since 1980, right after the Gabrielle Gifford's shooting, they had one of the founders of the Arizona Tea Party on CNN, and surprise!  It's my half-brother.  Gene pools are weird things...

Please tell me you can't see the resemblance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot the whole 'secret underwear' bit and the bees!