Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Observations from the Invasion

I've got to get pictures, but for now - it's odd.  There are definitely separations between the three.  I'm used to Moose's baritone (he's got a big boy bark - if you can't see him, you would assume it's a doberman.  He has the UPS and Fed-Ex guys cowed - the food delivery guys, however, have seen him and are no longer as impressed.)  Daisy, on the other hand, is a soprano, and Lili is an alto, somewhere between the two.  It does make for an impressive chorus when they're all in the backyard giving Roady (the dog next door) what-for.  I'm thankful that we live in a house that's situated in a dog-friendly/dog-intensive cul-de-sac - no one can complain because we all have noisemakers...

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