So, I'm sitting here, watching Rachel Maddow, when my mouse suddenly dies. It's one of those battery powered ones, and I tend to go through a couple of batteries a month, but it never gives a warning - the pointer just disappears. No big, it just needs a new battery, but...
As I'm installing the new battery, the screw comes loose from my eyeglass earpiece. Now, I'm blind enough that even installing a battery can be iffy without my glasses, but Roger was good enough to grab the mini-screwdriver for me, and fortunately the screw was still there, just unthreaded, so no big, except...
I've mentioned my issues with my bladder, right? I'll be sitting there, perfectly fine, and then all the sudden, if I don't pee in the next two seconds, it's going to be overflow time. And of course, I can't stand up quickly, because the same muscles that need to tighten one way to stand up, need to tighten in the opposite direction to keep my bladder from doing an "Ok, everybody out of the pool!" Still, no big, there's a reason why I've got extra towels and a Swiffer handy, but then...
I get back from my mad dash to the restroom... and my glasses fall off the table, onto the floor. I think the universe realized it had pushed its luck as far as it could, though - the glasses remained intact.
Frankly, I'm thinking it might be an early night.
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