Saturday, October 7, 2017

Birth Control - It's Not Just For Sluts

I've been sitting here getting angrier and angrier about the Trump administration's framing of the birth control debate as being about the "religious liberty" of the employer.  This is an attack on women, pure and simple. It's not even an attack on sexuality in general (although God knows there's plenty of other attacks on any non-missionary form of sexuality). No, this is an attempt to control women, through limiting their ability to control their own bodies.

Birth control makes it possible to work outside the home for millions of women - we can control (love that word) our pregnancies, planning them for when it's convenient or financially feasible. We can mitigate our risk of the unexpected.  But more importantly, birth control can help regulate our bodies. I know lots of women who are on birth control not because of frequent sex, but because it helps to keep them on a regular cycle, knowing when they're going to have to deal with blood and pain (I know, guys don't want to think about that part, but if you're going to be bloody and doubled over with cramps, it's good to know exactly when it's going to happen and be able to plan for it.) 

Then there's me. At a comfortably married 52, I should be beyond having to worry about this, right?  But I take a birth control pill daily to keep myself alive - my Megace is the only thing between me and uncontrollable, constant bleeding due to Hank the Tumor.  Should my employer (well, ex-employer, current insurance provider) really be allowed to say "I don't like people having sex, so Deci doesn't get life-saving meds"? Because that's where we're headed. It's not about sex... it's about control. 


Unknown said...

But, sluts should also not be discouraged from birth control just for their own selfish, slutty purposes, right?

Decadent Sundae said...
