Sunday, April 1, 2018

A Rough Start to 53

Rough start to the morning - I fell out of bed.  Well, not so much fall, as slowly slip down past the point of recovery.  I've mentioned my issues with my knees before - basically, there's no cartilage left, and I can't put any weight on them - so when I'm down, I'm down.  And of course, the reason I was trying to get up in the first place was that I needed to go to the bathroom, in the worst way.  Yep.  This was the worst way... stuck on the floor in a puddle, needing to be rescued. 

On the other hand - Uncle Ron rousted our neighbor down the street, and between Roger, Mom, Ron, Kelly and the two lovely women from the tribal ambulance, I'm back up vertical, with only psychological bruising - thankful I was dressed when it happened, that I didn't do any damage to my body, that it was something easily (well, relatively easily) solved - and for a wonderful family who all rallied to my aid. 

I'm really grateful for my family's reactions, too - Sherri was very encouraging, seeing the bright side, Mom made sure to cheer me up afterwards with an incredible Easter basket/birthday present, Roger stayed with me and comforted me while we were waiting - and Uncle Ron is currently researching where to get the tarp lift just in case this happens again.  And the kindness of neighbors - I hadn't met Kelly before, but he came right over to help lift me up, joking about not even having to miss church, since it's Conference weekend. 

It was a hard way to start the day - but it could have been much worse.  And then we got on with the day - Marlo's morning feeding, where she slurped down her milk in record time, and then proceeded to climb the couch.  She's growing up so fast! Almost too fast - I'm going to miss her once she grows out of needing us.

Oh, and gifts - Mom found an Easter bunny bag with my name embroidered on it!  I think this is the first time I've had anything with Deci embroidered on it.  She filled it with adult goodies - lotions and shampoo and Lindt chocolate bunnies and carrots, all the necessities of life.  Roger found me ammo to deal with Briggs and Gary - a laser gun with noise and lights that I can use next time they're running around like hooligans.  Oh, and he got me the Elton John Diamonds box set - it's absolutely fabulous, of course, with art postcards and a hard-cover book with factoids about each song.  All in all... the day is looking up. 

1 comment:

Wiccat said...

Sounds like the conjunction that created "Easter April Fools Deci" day, pranked you hard and early (ohhh myyyy, that almost sounded "Naughty" ;p ).

Terribly sorry we were not able to be there to help out. I really hope the rest of your day keeps getting better (no more pranks).

Your physical b-day gifts from us are going to be a bit late, but they're coming. Expect a call later!