Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Peace Through Inner Howling

Sitting here with my pups, just chilling. Roger is out dealing with the irrigation, so the chances are high that I'm the only human within ear distance. Living in the city, you don't get that opportunity - you hush the dogs so that the neighbors don't get bothered. 

Anyway - the dogs started howling when he left, and rather than letting it bother me... I let my inner bitch join in the chorus. I howled. I howled anger at the universe for my current limbo. I howled frustration at being held trapped in amber - I don't get the pleasure of walking among the living, I don't get the release of a freed soul flying away, light as air at last. It felt good... expressing myself.  Like a huge pimple of hate-filled bile, just blasting out into the atmosphere and being drained of any pressure against my essence. I'd like to say that my howl rendered the pack silent, in awe of my pain, but nope. They just continued to whine... but at least, they modulated the chorus to let me in.

These are probably the last days of my life. Well, for a certain value of last, that's true of all of us, but let's just say that I'm past the accumulating stages of the campaign and I'm firmly in the "throw everything you got at the sumbitch" portion of the fight. I've never really lived quiet by choice, but I've been dimming myself, trying to stretch out the meager portion of days left to me, a miserly way to exist.  No more. I'm going out with a bang, damn it. 

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