Sunday, August 17, 2014

Good couple of days

Friday, we got together with Don for breakfast at my place - it was really nice to touch bases with him again.  Don is one of my oldest friends - I think I imprinted on guys wearing flannel shirts because of him, so he may be one of the reasons that Rog and I are together. 

Saturday, we went to the Columbia Helicopter company picnic.  It was an opportunity to introduce the newest member of our family around, and Daisy did very well - even though she's a runner, she only got away once, and she didn't really have her heart in it.  We bought new harnesses for both pups for the occasion - red for Moose, purple for Daisy.  The harness fit Moose much better than Daisy though - it was really more suited for his body type than hers.  The search continues... 

Funny bit of serendipity on the way there... we were getting the puppies settled in and trying to convince Moose that he really can't drive so he had to move out of the driver's seat.  Finally got everyone settled in, turned on the car, and the radio had George Thorogood playing "Move It On Over" - Move over, little dog, a big old dog is moving in...

We had a lovely time at the picnic and Daisy was a big hit (Moose is always a big hit).  Funny thing, though - Moose behaved himself like a perfect gentleman, even being calm when Roger introduced him to a bull dog while he was walking around (Moose normally does not do well with big dogs - small dogs, no problem, but big dogs tend to bring out his Napoleonic tendencies).  Unfortunately, when we stopped by on the way out, Moose didn't do so well - possibly because he was on the footboard of my scooter.  He tends to be braver when he's under his Mama's skirts.

On the way out of the park, we turned the corner just in time to have a doe and her two fawns amble their way across the road in front of us.  All in all, a lovely visit.

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