Monday, June 15, 2015

Minor Medical Meltdown

Sitting here, crying my eyes out, not sure why - I figured it would be best to try to write it out. 

You all know I've been trying to lose weight to help with getting rid of Hank.  One of the things that I'm trying is Qsymia - it's this weight-loss drug that's a combination of a couple of drugs.  Of course, since it's a weight-loss drug, heaven forbid that it be easy to acquire, and they won't pay any for it - I'm on my own there.  But since I have to get it through the Kaiser Pharmacy, and they want to make sure it safe (I'm ok there), after waiting 4 weeks for them to get back to me, now they want me to go get a pregnancy test done.

Yeah.  A pregnancy test.  They have access to my files there.  They know that I'm two years into having a kobold invade my uterus and start trying to claw his way out.  They know that I'm 50 years old, and my one attempt at pregnancy ended in a miscarriage before I actually knew I was pregnant.  They know that at this point, it's more likely that Mary will rise from her grave, head back to Bethlehem and give birth in another manger than I will get pregnant.

But let's just go ahead and rub my nose in my failure as a female just one more time.  If my doctor weren't on leave, I don't think this would have happened - she's great at protecting me from Kaiser's more insane contradictions, but sadly, she's out this week, so I'm left sitting here, crying.

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