Thursday, May 26, 2016

Occupy The Back Porch!

The girls on a rampage
I wrote a while back about the new pet fountain that we introduced for Moose.  After a couple of days of resistance, he took to it and came to accept it - and Daisy and Dancer loved it. Success (unlike the dog door, which no one has yet figured out - we're still working on it.)

Anyway - came out this morning and the area around the fountain was soaking wet.  After changing out various parts, we determined that there was a leak, and I used my one super-power (shopping) to get another one coming, but in the meantime, we put a regular bowl down and moved the fountain out to the back porch to deal with later.  Moose dealt with the uproar like a trooper, but...  the girls are out on the back porch drinking from the busted fountain.  They may not get flowing water the way they like, but they will not be reduced to a bowl once they've seen the bright lights/big city way of drinking, damn it!  Viva la revolution! Down with the man!

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