Friday, May 6, 2016

State of the Body Post

So... latest news.  On the cancer front, I had my scan, and Hank is maintaining his stability - no increase in growth, he's just hanging out compressing my bladder and being chill.  In fact, Dr Steiner is putting me down to yearly scans now, since he seems to be uninterested in threatening my life in any meaningful way (yeah!). 

On the rest of me front...  I finally decided to get serious about documenting my issues with walking/standing for more than a couple of minutes at a time, starting with pulmonology.  Oddly enough, my arterial blood gas test was normal (which is terrific, considering it was awful last time I got it done - the bi-pap really works for me.)  However, when she took me for a walk around the office (about 200 feet, maybe?), my heart rate started spiking about half-way through and went into the danger zone (155-160?), so I guess cardiology is next.  Not a big surprise, this has been happening since I was about 30 - but I've got to get it documented now, since I am pursuing my SSDI claim. 

Still not sure exactly how I feel about disability - Objectively, I know that I am disabled.  I can't walk, I can't get through a day without changing pants two or three times, I have to sleep 12-14 hours a day.  I'm just not sure how to prove it to the Government, and I feel a little guilty about trying.  On the other hand, I've also been paying into the system for 30 years, so I'm not sure why I'm feeling the guilt.  Oh, well...  I've got an appointment next Thursday with a lawyer - we'll see how it goes.

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