Thursday, October 13, 2016

What's The Difference?

Every post that I've seen on Facebook regarding the potential Groper-In-Chief has had an immediate follow-up - "But what about Bill Clinton?  And Hillary helped! Why aren't you angry at them?"

There are a lot of reasons- Bill's not the one who is running for office, the adultery was consensual, there's no definite proof either way, maybe I'm a flaming hypocrit - but mostly, for me, it's because I'm angry that Trump and his minions just don't get it.  The apology that he gave for the tape was so oblivious as to why it was wrong.  It wasn't the "pussy".  It was the GRAB.  It was the lack of realization that women are human beings, not things.  And he and his supporters have continued on - attack, deny, ridicule (seriously, he's using "look at her, she's an uggo" as a defense?) 

I attempted to talk it out with a niece of mine who is a Trump supporter and posted something about "Women claim sexual abuse to get new furniture".  Tried telling her that I was hurt by that characterization, mentioned my issues... she responded with inaccurate memes about the Clintons and that some women like to be touched. 

Roger has asked me not to engage these people, and I'm trying, but it's hard.  I don't want to know that there are people out there that are using #repealthenineteenth.  I want to be able to respect my friends who are voting for Trump, despite their vote.  But it's getting harder and harder.

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