Friday, November 17, 2017

I Don't Always Believe The Women

Why is this becoming a thing?  I've heard a number of people saying "If you always believe the women, then you have to believe yadayadayada..."  Why, as a female, or a Democrat, or hell, as a human being, am I expected to *always* believe a woman? 

I'm especially pissed at the people who are using the phrase as a weapon - the Republicans who are using it to score points, who are using the phrase the same way they would use "nanny nanny boo boo".  No.  I don't *always* believe the woman.  For example, no way do I believe Roy Moore's wife when she says her husband is absolutely beyond reproach and a hero to all Christians.  But let's stick to the topic at hand. 

I'll even go so far as to acknowledge that there have been some instances of false claims.  (The Duke University Lacrosse Team case bothered the hell out of me. So did the woman who claimed some man jumped her and carved up her face with a backwards B for Barack back in 2008.)  I don't always believe the women - I believe women who have a credible story.  I believe it when multiple women come forward about the same guy.  I might even go so far as to say I'll give the benefit of the doubt to women - just because so damned many men have lied. 

I also believe that women and men can experience the same event and come out of it with two vastly different interpretations of the truth.  A guy can think "I went in for a good-night kiss, she didn't say no, it was a pleasant exchange", while that same woman could be frozen in shock, distressed with the violation of her person, and unable to say anything.  Rashomon ain't just a movie, boys and girls... 

So, where do we go from here?  I honestly don't know - but rather than saying "I always believe the women", how about I'm willing to listen to the women?  It's a start.

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