Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How is this still a thing?

I know, I know - it's a John Oliver trademark, but it fits.  So... beer commercial for Modelo Especial (or something like that) - listing out all the skills you need to be a man. First off... if you're taking your manhood qualifications from a beer commercial, you're out right there, but...

Anyway - starts out with "If you want a job, you learn a skill." Down with it so far.  "If you want a house, you save for it" - well, short of winning the lottery, it's going to be hard to save enough for a down payment in Portland anymore, but ok... "You want bigger muscles, you lift heavier weights" Going a little off the rails here, but yeah...

But then... "You want a girl to marry you, you ask her father" Seriously?  No.  You want a girl to marry you, you treat her well, you love her, you establish a relationship that can last - asking her father should be the last step on your list (or possibly no step.)  I mean, yeah - I'm happy that Roger gets along well with my family (gets along well may be understating it - if we ever break up, I'm pretty sure that my family would sue for custody), but he's not married to my family.  The other Roger (my dad) has no ownership of me.  Even if we had a better relationship, he still would have no say as to my disposition in marriage. 

Which is why I'm wondering...  how is this still a thing?


Anonymous said...

I agree! What year is it??? Duh. Outrageous.

User4578 said...

It's a show of respect. It is not a degeneration of your power. I was elated that my husband asked my dad before he asked me. Just showing respect and love. Would you want your daughters affianced to respect you that much?

User4578 said...

It's a show of respect. It is not a degeneration of your power. I was elated that my husband asked my dad before he asked me. Just showing respect and love. Would you want your daughters affianced to respect you that much?

Anonymous said...

The problem with the "show of respect " argument, is that you have to know how the girl you want to marry feels about it. In this day and age many women would feel that participating in this ritual, which comes from the days where women were more akin to property than individuals, is a sign of disrespect to them. Frankly, if I have to disrespect someone I would rather it be the future in laws than the future wife. The better advice might be, if you want a girl to marry you find out what she wants.