Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Frustration (Again)

I'm in the process of applying for disability, based on a number of things (mostly Hank and my heart issues, but there's all the other contributing factors - you all know...) and decided to get a lawyer to help me through the process.  When I met with Dick Sly (I know - great name for a lawyer, right?), he warned me up front that Kaiser would not be helpful, but I had no idea just how unhelpful they were going to be.

I mean, I knew that it was going to be hard to get them to write anything up for me - their foot-dragging was a good reason why I decided to just go ahead, take early retirement, and then apply.  But I just got a letter from Oregon Human Services saying that they can't even get Kaiser to respond to a request for records.  I mean... I've been with Kaiser for over 20 years - they've got all my freaking records, I signed the damned waivers... what else am I supposed to do? 

Anyway - getting the letter threw me into a funk, which got me thinking about depression, which then got me thinking about unproductive anger, which has got me even more depressed.  I'm about ready to throw in the towel, but damn it - I have been paying into the system for 30 years.  Why is this so freaking hard?

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