Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I was reading the news this morning, and saw the article about Misty Snow being nominated as the Democrat for the Utah Senate seat held by Mike Lee.  She's the first major party transgender candidate for Senate - incredibly proud of my home state (although it being Utah, I suspect her chances are not good - but then again, Snow is an old-family Mormon name which could get her a few more votes.) 

Anyway, I was telling Daniel about it, and the phone rang - he of course piped up with "That's Utah calling..."  And it was.  Mom and Sherri checking in, wanting to know what size bed he has (I suspect I can guess what his wedding gift is going to be...) 

It amazes me sometimes how things have changed, just in my lifetime - both in the world and even just in my family.  When I was born, I suspect that the majority of people in Utah (heck, in America) wouldn't have a clue what transgender even was, and it's certainly not something that would ever be talked about.  We still have a long way to go... but it's heartening how far we've come.

And while I'm at it - Vote Misty! 

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