Friday, September 16, 2016

Our Patch of Wilderness

I love our backyard - it's not what you would expect to find in the middle of the city, but it suits us well.  No lawn - just wild and free.  The birds in our neighborhood also love it, though.  Mostly because of the service - Roger makes sure to keep the bird feeders topped up with seed, thistle, juice for the hummingbirds...  it's a full service bird bar.

They get stroppy when he's working overtime and he doesn't have time to keep up the catering, though - like this morning, he was sitting out on the porch, grabbing a smoke, and one of them popped up on the fence and stared him down - essentially saying "Well?  Seed?"  Still better than when they send kamikazes to strafe the sliding glass doors, though - every once in a while, we hear a thud just to remind us (and send Moose into a tizzy...)

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