Thursday, September 15, 2016

Slip Sliding Away

Skip's the one on the left
Well, I am definitely awake this morning.  I went to let the Moose Monster out for his morning constitutional, accidentally stepped on his wet pee-pad, and came perilously close to going ass over teakettle when it slipped on me. 

The thing is - if I go down, it's going to take the five hunky firefighters featured in my previous blog post to get me back up.  My knees are arthritic enough that I can't even put pressure on them (no, it's not just an excuse to get out of kneeling down to pray or scrubbing the floor - I firmly believe God hears me from any position, and as for scrubbing floors - there's a reason why I chose to be a career girl.).  I didn't have my phone with me when it happened, but even if I did - the front door is locked.  How are Rocky, Ricky, Reggie, Reynard and Skip supposed to get in to help me?  I need to have a better plan, and I think I need to invest in one of those stupid "alert" buttons.  Or we just need to give in to Mom's urging and move on out to the Basin. 

Frankly, the Basin is looking better and better.  For one thing, I should have been there yesterday for Daisy's passing.  I hate the fact that Mom had to take her home alone...  But for another, less sentimental reason - traffic in Portland sucks.  Hell, Saturday morning heading down to Champoeg, the Banfield was down to 15 MPH if that...  I'm a city girl, but Portland has gotten too big for me.  I'll miss my friends and family here, but it would be nice to know that I'm not going to be spending the best part of every day alone.

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