Saturday, September 24, 2016

Political: How His Mind Works

Look, I think that it was a pretty pre-school move for the Clinton camp to invite Mark Cuban to sit in the front row of the first debate. Admittedly, it was a wily move - bring in someone who has been needling Mr Trump in the press, saying that he's not a true billionaire, claiming he's a bad businessman, hope that the sight of him rattles Mr Trump enough to throw him off guard.  But still, petty.  For anyone else I can think of on that level, it wouldn't work - the distraction would be planned for and ignored.  But...

Mr. Trump's reaction?  Retaliation, of course... but not to bring in someone who has confronted Secretary Clinton on her job, or her own personal flaws.  No, he immediately went to Gennifer Flowers - someone that President Clinton had sex with back in the early 90s.  His estimation of what will rattle Secretary Clinton, what will throw her off her game the most, is a reminder of a flaw in her husband?  He honestly thinks that a woman who has survived everything that's been thrown at her for the past 30 years is going to be thrown off her stride by some meaningless bimbo? 

I'm getting really tired of our society (or at least certain segments of it) assuming that every woman's self-image revolves around her man, and nothing but her man.  Stop underestimating us...

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