Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Choose Your Own Truth" Election

I've spent a lot of time this week watching post mortem segments on cable news about the election Tuesday, and I think they're missing the biggest point.  It's not just that we're a divided nation (although, god knows, we are.)  It's that we no longer can agree on basic facts.  I mean, two plus two is four, but that's about it (and I've got friends that are probably willing to argue about that.)

For example - I had a family member post a video from YouTube stating that the reason that James Comey sent the letter to Congress about possible new evidence on the Email server-gate issue was because there was proof that Hillary was running a pedophile ring in New York, and that she was worried about her getting into the White House.  I posted back info that her source had been wrong in the past, along with info that this was just Weiner's computer, most of the emails were probably duplicates that had been seen before, etc, and I was asked by her to stay off her articles about politics since I was obviously in the tank for Hillary.  It's pretty obvious that she and I are not just in disagreement about who to vote for, but we can't even agree on what set of "facts" to use in figuring it out.

On a different thread (I think this one was on whether or not Voter ID laws were racially biased), I provided info on the court case where the judges said that clearly, yes - this was racially biased, via a Washington Post article.  The person I was arguing with then provided info from to say that no, the laws were necessary due to rampant in person voter fraud.  I dissed his choice of research material (I rarely trust alt-right sites for factual reporting), he told me that I was a tool of the liberal elites because the Washington Post and NY Times were in the tank for the democrats, and we went on our merry way. 

This is the most important decision we make as a country, and yet we're being guided by partisan hacks, shills, and some teenagers in Veles, Macedonia.  (And yes, I know - there are fake articles on Trump from Democratic leaning sites as well - I always triple check anything I see from Politicus.)

But seriously - how are we supposed to figure out who the right person is to lead our country (and it is *our* country), when we're not even getting the same information?  Almost every major newspaper in the country agreed that Trump was not fit to be President - how did almost half of us completely ignore that, and vote for him anyway?  Every single living person who has ever had the job said "Do not vote for him", and yet...  half of us didn't believe them.  I just can't understand it, and I don't know how to fix it... 

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