Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Continuing Travails of Hank

The girls are continuing their efforts to wipe Hank out - a large hole has developed on his back, just above the buttock area (I keep telling them to lower their aim, but do they listen to me?)

Daisy in action - please forgive the bad photography
Action shot - blurred due to the frenzied speed of their attack
Not a lot else going on here - I was asleep most of the day trying to knock down a fever, so it's a short post tonight.  Dinner tonight was last night's carrot-tomato-ginger soup used as a pasta sauce over spaghetti, with some lovely wilted greens on the side.  Definitely one we need to make again, although it's frankly better as a sauce than a soup (a little thick for slurping, but just right for pasta.)

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