Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Following Edward

I know this is going to sound strange, but I've found myself becoming obsessed with dog blogs on Facebook.  Mostly dachshund (I love Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund), but I've also started following various dogs facing physical challenges - Duncan Lou Who w/legs of two, Super Roo, etc.  The one that got me started, though, was Edward Carter.

Edward is this (forgive me, Edward) so-ugly-he's-cute Chinese Crested looking dog, who was turned in to a shelter with Stage 5 T-Cell Lymphoma.  His foster-mother is the one who posts for him, and she's both an incredible photographer, and a great voice for him - reading his blog makes me smile the way Moose or Daisy make me smile, but with a bit of a tear too.  She's trying to help him fill out his bucket list - getting a whole hamburger to himself, taking a helicopter ride (not my choice, but he seemed to enjoy it)... He doesn't have long, and while they've been trying with various chemos, you can tell he's coming down to the wire.

Not sure why he speaks to me so deeply, other than I've got some empathy for his position.  He's much further down the road than I am, but it both soothes me and pains me to see him (and his foster-mother) handling it with such grace and verve. 

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