Monday, February 24, 2014

Sad day...

Found out today that "Dancing with the Stars" fired Brooke Burke-Charvet (no, that's not the sad part!  Don't be silly - the woman had the interviewing skills of a limpet.)  No, the sad part is that apparently last month while no one was watching, they also fired Harold Wheeler and the band.  I'll miss Harold Wheeler, of course - as a former band geek, I always appreciate anyone who hires good musicians, especially trombonists.  But, the most shocking part...  I think they also let go the Romulan Priestess! 

If you watch Dancing with the Stars at all, I'm sure you know who I mean - the zaftig singer with the really interesting headpieces.  Her actual name is Carmen Carter, but I'm always going to remember her as the priestess, and the show just isn't going to be the same without her (not to mention it's going to be a lot harder to get Roger and Kevin to watch without the enticement of seeing her cleavage performance. 

I don't know - first they lost the results show, then the ever excitable Max, now the band is gone... better be one stellar cast this year, or I'm sticking with the Voice on Monday nights.

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