Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sorry for the temporary interruption of services - we'll be back

Stole/borrowed/appropriated this one from Facebook (it's from - fits my mood today.  I'm still struggling a little with a bit of depression/angry/being worn out, along with a cold that's kind of kicking my butt.  Fortunately, tomorrow is a day off, so I get one more day to hide under my purple furry blanket with a couple of puppies snuggled up close (Moose's standard position is tucked in right behind my knees, head resting on my ankles, Daisy tends to snuggle in on the curve of my neck).  And I had a leftover piece of mom's birthday cake (no worry - it's plant-based.  Chocolate, but plant-based.) so that should go a long way to improving my mood. 

This is the same furry purple blanket I lent to mom when she came home from the hospital.  It was a big hit with her (and with the puppies) - enough so that we ended up getting her one to have permanently.  There's just something about a furry blanket to make you feel like everything is going to eventually be ok, or if not, at least you have a comfortable place to survey the carnage from.  I highly recommend them - Berkeshire makes them, and sells them on QVC for about $35.  (Less than a therapy session - you can't beat that with a stick.)


Unknown said...

I sleep every night with my mink blanket acquired in Korea. The furry blanket concept could explain why I don't want to leave the bed in the morning and look forward to naps in the afternoon. When I slept with just a sheet or cotton blanket I just got up and out when I woke up. Yep, something about a furry blanket.

Decadent Sundae said...

Exactly! There's just something... we really need to re-institute the whole nap-rug concept we had back in kindergarten, only with furry blankets instead.