Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Odd Dream...

Grandpa's Domain

I had Hawaiian for dinner last night - that's about the only explanation I can come up with.  Normally, my dreams tend to go into short term memory and then straight out the left ear, but this one was odd enough that certain details stuck.  Part of that was that it featured Grandpa in a very odd role.

I've written about Grandpa before, but just as a general catch-up - he was a rancher.  In fact, he was the proto-rancher - you think of a guy who spends all his time eking out a living from the land and some really stubborn cattle, that's Grandpa.  Incredibly capable at making due and making it work, but not long on manners or affectations. When I see him in my mind's eye, I see him in his Dickie's overalls with a freebie cap of some kind on his head.

At any rate... for some reason, in my dream, the Vegas mafia had managed to establish a casino in Washington (that's Utah, by the way.)  And Grandpa was one of their local stooges - I can't imagine why, but he was working for them.  We were making a delivery at the casino in his car - it was your basic Chevy four door, nothing special - but the way that you made a delivery at this casino was that you would drive up, the valet would take your car, and 30 minutes later, you would get a car back.  You could tell by the car that you received back where you stood with the bosses - if you got your own car back, you did an adequate job.  If you had screwed up somehow, you got back a Yugo.  For some reason, Grandpa must have done an incredible job - he got back this silver Lincoln town car with all the trimmings - but being Grandpa, he went up to the penthouse to give them hell, because he wanted his Chevy back (and of course, dragged me along with him.)  I was really looking forward to the fireworks, but just then, Moose had to stage his normal Tuesday crusade against the garbage truck man at full volume.  Damn it - I was really enjoying spending time with Grandpa again...

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