Friday, February 3, 2017

This Morning's Neighbor Update

We had an ice dump last night - there's about half an inch of ice on the ground, but it doesn't seem to have fazed our local puppy-gang.  They were both at the back door, peering in at us this morning.  Moose, on the other hand, went out to try to either greet them or run them off (could go either way with our boy) - he hit the ice and went skidding, so he decided that coming back in and monitoring Mama's breakfast was a better proposition. 

The spaniel eventually got bored and wandered off, but the lab stayed right there at the glass, watching Roger make breakfast omelets.  I can't blame him for living in hope - Roger does make really good omelets - but eventually cooking was done, and they wandered off back home.  Roger is now figuring out how to fix the fence - not that I mind the company, but when Lili and Daisy get here, we're going to need to be able to batten down the hatches. 

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