Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Clothing Optional

Or maybe clothing options - one or the other.  Anyway, I was talking with Mom today about a mutual friend, who has an impeccable sense of style - one of those women who can wear bib overalls and a sailor hat and look saucy and fresh, rather than slubbish, which is what that outfit would turn into on me.  I've been thinking a lot about clothing (having to replace your entire wardrobe will do that to you), and where I want to end up eventually. 

I suspect I'll end up with some version of boho chic, although I may have to alter it a little if I don't manage to get rid of my scooter.  It's very hard to look airy and fey if your 120" around pirate skirt is tangled up in your wheels and ripping all to heck.  But there's one outfit that I'm holding on to until it's pried out of my hands and/or off my body. 

I think every woman has a version of this outfit - it's not something you would ever wear outside the house, but when it's cold out, and the world hates you, and chocolate is calling your name like a lover with a guitar outside your balcony...  You've got to put on the one outfit that makes everything feel better.  For some women, it's oversized sweats, some others swear by a ratty nightgown, but for me, it's a pair of puppy-printed cotton capris and an old blue t-shirt that reaches down to my knees and could easily fit both Roger and I together.  It's stained, it's huge, but when I put it on, I feel comforted, and small, and warm, and in control of my own little portion of the universe. 

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