I'm not sure what's been going on lately, but for the past two weeks, I've been incredibly tired. I'm not talking the normal "could use a nap". This is more like I was before I got my bi-pap machine - the kind of tired where you find yourself falling asleep in the middle of typing a sentence. I've been sleeping 12 - 14 hours a day, and I'm still having a hard time keeping my eyes open.
I'm not sure if it's something nutrition related, or Hank acting up, or just needing my bi-pap adjusted (heaven knows, I'm only two-thirds the woman I used to be - there's probably some things that need to change). I went in today and did some blood tests, so I should find out something tomorrow - part of me is hoping that everything comes back copasetic, but the other part of me would really like to know what the heck is happening.
It could be some stress as well, although I doubt that's the sole reason. I had originally had appointments set up next Friday with the other two members of my surgical triumvirate (already seen the plastic surgeon), but my gyn/onc had her staff call and reschedule my appointment with her to April 11th. I'd be ok with that, except... I still haven't actually talked to her (or any other cancer doctor) since last August. I've heard from her nurse, but I haven't gotten any real details - just "she's referred you to the plastic surgeon for a procedure". Still don't know for sure if it's all going to be one surgery, or separate surgeries, or even why exactly we're doing this - I am assuming it's so that she can get to Hank more easily, but it would be nice to get information. I get the idea from other things that have been said that there are discussions going on around me that I don't know about, but I don't know - and I want to know! But it looks like it's going to be another three weeks. Maybe my body is just trying to protect me from frustration by shutting down my consciousness.
Or maybe I'm just not getting enough iron.
whining, whining, you call that whining...I work as a buyer for the COE contract office we invented whining.
AS a collective your district nickname is Eore.
We Whine so much Wisconsin people send us cheese. Our office is now a must stop on the international Whine tour.
The only place I know of that has wall to wall whine and no corks. My kingdom for a box of corks.
Amateur. Take care.
That was supposed to be our nickname.
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