Monday, March 24, 2014

One more stoned Moose post

Our Bark-Box came today - always a great day of the month for the puppies.  Incidentally, if you can afford it and you have puppies, I really recommend Bark-Box - the toys that they send have seams of titanium.  They've managed to survive three of the most determined squeak-destroyers out there - lesser toys have gone down in less than three minutes with these girls.  But I digress...

This is about Moose.  Since the girls get the toys, whenever they send a rawhide chewy or a bull pizzle or whatever, it goes to Moose.  Today, he chewed it sort of half-heartedly, then took it outside to hide (he is not yet totally up to speed on the whole "not an only dog anymore" concept.)  Daisy was watching, of course, and the minute he came back in and wasn't guarding anymore was out the door like a shot and had that chewy in her mouth and made a beeline for her bed.

Flash forward a couple of hours - it's after dinner, Moose has been drugged and is feeling the munchies, and of course, he goes for the chewy.  Poor stoned guy spent a good 15 minutes searching for the chewy, scratching his head and wondering what on earth happened before he finally wandered back in...

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