Good thing I've got Cheet-Obama hidden away in the closet where Moose can't find him |
We had to take Moose over to the vet yesterday - he's been having difficulty getting down from the furniture, and he's been yipping like he's in pain even when no one is touching him, so we wanted to get him checked out to make sure it's nothing serious. (I love doxies, they're terrific dogs, but they do tend to be higher maintenance, back-wise.) Fortunately, Moose loves his vet, mostly because of the foam V-block. They put him onto the block on his back, in prime belly-rub position, then carry him from room to room like a pasha - he's lobbying for us to get one for here at home. Have I mentioned lately that I've got a very strange dog? They even ended up giving him a manicure from the V-block, and he extended his paws out like he was a New York lady-who-lunches... I think he might have been contemplating nail colors, but he was rudely interrupted by Daddy wanting to take him home.
At any rate - looks like he has some mineral deposits and a slightly enlarged disc. He's going to be on muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory drugs for a couple of weeks, and he's not supposed to be jumping off the furniture. I'm not sure how we're going to manage that last one, but we'll try... It's rough watching your baby get old, but he's 10 now - heading into senior wiener territory, I'm afraid.
The only bright side out of this is that Moose is incredibly fun to watch when he's stoned out of his little gourd - like last night. He was just lying on his back, paws up in the air, ears at full attention, staring up and contemplating the cosmos - or possibly planning a Cheetos hunt and grab. Could go either way with my boy.
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