Thursday, May 21, 2015

Starting A New Diet (Again)

I'm working on getting my A1C back under control, so for the next few months, I'm trying (shudder) Jenny Craig.  I know, I know... but it makes sense for me right now to be able to positively track everything I eat, be able to identify exactly what carbs I have and when I have them, not have to think about and plan food - basically, exactly what Jenny Craig was set up for. 

I started today, and so far, it's not nearly as bad as I had feared - the food is edible (ok, the chocolate shake tastes a little like a brown crayon dipped in tepid water, but the chicken fajita bowl was surprisingly good).  Mostly just surprised at the amount of food... they've got me on 2300 calories a day, which seems like a lot more than I was eating, but we'll see how it works out. 

But I'm mostly posting because I've got to brag on our roommate, Daniel.  He's my emergency back-up husband and I figured I was going to need his help to get through this (that, and he really needed to be warned - I am sometimes not a pleasant person to be around when I'm food-deprived.)  At any rate, I hired him to be my diet concierge - do the shopping for me so that I don't have to get close to a grocery store, help me keep track, etc... and he made me the most incredible thing.

Yep.  That's right.  I have a sticker board!  And I've already earned a sticker for going through with this and getting started.  It's no wonder that Mom keeps threatening to steal Daniel and take him away to the wilds of Utah - he's the best Diet Concierge ever! 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Random Updates, Thoughts, And A Rant

I talked with my diabetic nurse yesterday - my A1C has been heading skyward ever since Hank moved in, and my last reading was 10.7 (most people are between 5 and 6, and before Hank showed up, my level was generally in the 7s.)  She wants me to switch over to a new type of insulin that's 5 times more concentrated than the stuff I've been using - it's worth a try (and I'm hoping that if I can get the blood sugar under control, I'll feel much, much better.

Dr Steiner had also ordered an FSH test for me - it's a test that can tell where you are in your ovulation cycle (or if you've gone into menopause.)  The higher you score, the more likely you are menopausal - I scored a 1.  Yep.  1 doesn't even show up on the results sheet - the lowest it goes is 2.  Atypical, yet again.  But apparently, I'm not menopausal yet, so the weird fevers I've been getting aren't hot flashes.  I've got an appointment next Wednesday with Dr. Wang, so...

Now for the rant... First, a little background.  Mornings are not my friend.  I have never in my life been a morning person - I used to be the person in the office that worked the 9 to 5:30 shift (which is odd for a fed - most of them seem to be disgustingly happy being morning people.)  It was nice, though - after 4:00, when the office starts to clear out, you can get a surprising amount of work done.  But then I married Roger, and started carpooling with him.  His office starts work at 7, which means he dropped me off at my office around 6:15 (he works about half an hour south of Portland.)  And he works a 5-4-9 schedule, which means that he gets off work at 4:30, picks me up around 5:30 (half an hour turns into an hour when you're in Portland evening rush hour).  It's part of the reason why I have to telework - I used to be able to do 11 hours in the office, no problem, but not with Hank weighing me down. 

But at any rate... our alarm clock is set for 5:00 am.  Not my choice, you understand, but by necessity.

For the past month and a half, 2 or 3 times a week, I've been getting a call from a fax machine at 4:36.  AM.  I repeat, A freaking M.  Apparently, this particular number (866-324-8417) has been pissing people off since 2007 - there's a 8 year old thread about it on one of the 800 number tracking websites, ascribing the number to various publicity/magazine/info sites.  I also received a call from a non-800 number (same fax machine, same freaking early hour of the morning) registered to Mobius/365 Media, so being the diligent googler than I am, I thought I would do some research and see if I could get off the list.  But it looks like 365 Media (the American part of the "synergistic" merger") has gone bust - all the information on the website leads to either out of service or passed-off phone numbers.  I did identify the American partners, and was really tempted to stalk them, but then I realized I was falling down Alice's rabbit hole, and instead spent 45 minutes talking to CenturyLink and getting them to block the number.  We'll see if it helps..

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Song Of Their People - No Caffeine, No Alcohol

D and I both had doctors' appointments yesterday.  Completely different issues, different body parts acting up, different systems, but the first thing both of them came up with was "no caffeine, no alcohol." 

Now, D and I are both insulin dependent diabetics (and I'm genetically Mormon), so neither one of us drink alcohol, and neither one of us like the taste of coffee, so caffeine isn't a big thing with either of us.  But it got me thinking - anytime I go in to a doctor with any complaint, the first thing (well, not the first thing.  The first thing is "did you know you're overweight") but the second thing is "no caffeine, no alcohol." 

Just wondering why those two are singled out - and why, if they're so bad for you, they're even allowed to be sold over the counter?