Thursday, December 21, 2017

Silly Solstice (Stolen from the Fallen Angel Choir, who stole it from the Karamozoff Brothers)

(Sung to the tune of Sentimental Journey)

We would like to wish you Merry Christmas
But we're not all Christians here
Hannukah would reach the same objection
What's universal this time of year?

New year!  We'd like to wish you Merry New Year!
But it's not the start of the Jew's year
Or of the Chinese
It's hard as heck to be politically correct.

Guess that all that's left is Winter Solstice
Of all the others, that's the cause.
Have yourself a very Silly Solstice!
Ritually sacrifice a Santa Claus.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

See You Later, Al

I just saw Franken's speech announcing his resignation.  In an ideal world, I wish he could have stayed in and gone through the ethics review process - considering the allegations against him are (mostly) the kind where the two people involved might have seen the situation in two entirely different ways (not getting into the last allegation against him, which he denies).  But I understand the current political climate is one where we are at war, and there is going to be collateral damage.

What I would like to see...  Mr Franken talk with his accusers, apologize to them for any damage done, work with them to make things right, and then come back and run for office with a fresh deck, clear to be the effective legislator he has been, working for justice, equality and making America truly great, rather than just sloganized.  I'd like to see that happen in a lot of these cases - men who have screwed up recognize their actions, work to correct them, and receive whatever forgiveness they deserve.  Of course, that's not going to be possible for a lot of actions - those men who knew what they were doing at the time they did it and aren't sorry at all they got caught are slime, and should be shunned - but I think we need to recognize that in the minefield of relations between the genders, not every explosion is deliberate.