Monday, November 27, 2017

Rant: Mortgage Blues

Warning - this is going to be a rant.  A big old rant.  There may be curse words.

About 10 years ago, we took out a small second mortgage on the house to fix the roof.  At the time, I set up an automatic withdrawal, twice a month (since we were both paid bi-weekly), and we've paid it faithfully - in fact, it's down under $3K at this point, so almost paid off.  I got a letter in the mail (with no special markings or anything - from someone I've never heard of) stating that my mortgage was being transferred to a business I've never dealt with. 

Now, first off - I was given no option in this transfer.  Ok, I understand that banks do this stuff all the time, but...  they also inform me that I'm going to need to re-do my automatic withdrawal.  Now, I know damned well that it's possible for them to transfer that info - my primary mortgage has been transferred at least twice, with no needed input from me.  So, now I'm on the hook for getting things reestablished (in the middle of trying to sell the house, move, everything else), with a vendor that I have no established contacts with, that expects me to send them the info through the mail.  Right.  That's not going to work for me.  So I am going to have to figure out a way to get this paid off and out of my hair...

Oh, and they want me to send them information on any other mortgage I may happen to have.  They can go spit for information on any other mortgage I may happen to have.  HBSC frankly has been one of my worst decisions, and if I had it to do all over again, I would not have done it with them. 

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