Monday, January 15, 2018

Day 5 at the Ranch

So... day 5.  Mom and Cassie (and everyone - by which I mean Riley, Ron, Sherri, Gary, Briggs and little Riley Lou Who) are heading back to Oregon to pack up my house and do repairs, while Roger and I hold down shop back at the ranch.  Well, Roger is mostly holding down shop - he fed the livestock, built up fires, etc.  I mostly cuddled my nose - the plague I got last time I was here seems to have found me again, so I'm mostly in a Nyquil-induced haze. 

The little girls cuddled briefly this morning, but since then have been staging a "not the mama" sit down strike out on the driveway, while Duke patrols the ranch, keeping out evil-doers.  I'm not too worried - I have two main advantages over the girls.  I have a knowledge of the refrigerator, and an opposable thumb.  They'll come in when they're hungry. 

It's definitely different here - Saturday night was family night, with lots of people, lots of dogs, and clay pigeon slaughter out in the backyard.  One of the cousins was surprised that Roger knew how to shoot, and I had to remind her that he was in the Army - in fact he spent time in South Korea at Camp Gary Owen, among other places. 

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